Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

What is pelvic health physiotherapy?

Pelvic Physiotherapy covers all the wondrous functions that your pelvis fulfils.

  • Do you want to best prepare your body for recovery after delivering your baby?

  • Are you pregnant and wanting advice on how to exercise safely for you and your baby

  • Have you delivered your baby and had a perineal tear? Or have you had a C-section and having difficulty or sensitivity with your scar?

  • Are you struggling with menopause?

  • Do you experience urinary leaking (incontinence), need to go more than usual (frequency) or feel like you have to go, right now (urgency)?

  • Do you have difficulty holding wind (flatal incontinence), experience a lack of control of your bowel movements (faecal incontinence or soiling) or chronic constipation?

  • Have you felt a heavy sensation, like things just aren’t right ‘down there’? Perhaps you’ve been told you have a pelvic organ prolapse and are concerned with what to do next?

  • Are you experiencing pregnancy related pain including pelvic girdle pain?

  • Have you heard of abdominal separation and wonder if you have one?

  • Do you experience pain during intercourse (dyspareunia)?

  • Are you suffering from lower back and pelvic pain that has been difficult to resolve with other manual therapy?

Pelvic Physiotherapy can help with all of these symptoms, and more. While no two women are alike, there are many common threads that bind us. Book an appointment and let us help you live your best life in your One Body.

What to expect in your pelvic physiotherapy consultation

Our initial consultations are an hour long to fully delve into the complexities of your presenting problem incorporating the goals that you want to achieve, whether it's a gentle walk, a hill run or an undisturbed nights sleep. 

Following your initial discussion, Nicky’s physical assessment takes into consideration not only your pelvis but includes investigation into how it interacts with your whole body.

This may include:

  • A postural and functional breathing assessment

  • An examination of your pelvic biomechanics

  • If indicated and with your consent, an internal examination of your pelvic floor to determine it’s function

You may be asked to complete a bladder diary or other paperwork to assist in further assessing your bladder or bowel function.  Often you’ll leave your session with some homework, from simple lifestyle strategies to ease your symptoms, breathing techniques or exercises to fuel your recovery.

An integral aspect of the way we treat at One Body Wellness is the incorporation of exercising in our beautiful movement studio to our clinical sessions. Nicky is passionate about movement therapy and has furthered her clinical expertise to include being a highly trained clinical Pilates instructor and yoga teacher. Expect that this may often form part of your journey to recovery.

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Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Clinical Pilates Instructor & Yoga Instructor
